July 25 is Swimmable California Day! Celebrate by getting out to your favorite place to swim, surf, fish, kayak, standup paddle, wade, play with your kids, or throw a stick for your dog!


We want to see how you enjoy California waters. Upload a photo of how you enjoy California waters on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #SwimmableCA. Submit your photos by July 31.


Humboldt Baykeeper works to protect Humboldt Bay and coastal waters so that they are clean and safe for swimming, surfing, paddling, fishing, wading, and frolicking. We are joining California Coastkeeper Alliance, our statewide network of California Waterkeeper organizations, to celebrate all of California’s healthy waters and the regulations that protect them.


In 2013, the California Legislature adopted a resolution to officially commemorate July 25 as “Swimmable California Day,” recognizing Californians’ right to waters that are clean and safe for swimming.


California’s coast, ocean, bays, and rivers draw more visitors every year than all of the nation’s state parks combined. Having access to waterways that are clean and safe for swimming, surfing, paddling and playing is essential to the high quality of life we enjoy as Californians, and helps drive our economy. Tourism and recreation account for 76% of all coastal employment, and make up a substantial part of our $40 billion ocean economy.