The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers have proposed a new definition of "Waters of the U.S." with a singular goal—to eliminate the laws and standards that control water pollution. Thousands of streams and wetlands would lose protection under the Clean Water Act’s permitting and treatment standards. 


Click HERE to learn more and submit comments!

This proposed rollback would  give free rein to polluters to dump chemicals, animal waste, or sediment into many historically protected streams and wetlands, threatening clean drinking water and pushing imperiled wild salmon and steelhead closer to extinction.


Under the proposed rule, 60% of creeks and streams in California could lose Clean Water Act protection. Thousands of waterways across the U.S. would be impacted by unregulated pollution, including the Rogue River, Puget Sound, and New Mexico's Rio Grande.

Our colleagues at Waterkeeper Alliance are working hard to oppose this unprecedented rollback of the Clean Water Act, and they've developed a simple way for you to submit comments

Tell the federal government: We all rely on clean water to drink, fish, and swim. We need more clean water protection, not less. 

Your comments will help support Waterkeeper Alliance attorneys challenge this unprecedented attack on the Clean Water Act.