Nuclear Whistleblower and author of My Humboldt Diary: A True Story of Betrayal of the Public Trust Bob Rowen presents

Is Nuclear Energy a truly “Safe, Clean, and Economical” Energy Alternative?


Wednesday, August 19 at 10 am

at the Arcata City Library Conference Room, 500 Seventh Street in Arcata


Like scores of others in the early sixties, Bob Rowen embraced nuclear energy as the panacea to America’s emerging energy crisis, and he believed that becoming a nuclear control technician was a career opportunity of a lifetime. As a nuclear insider, however, Rowen learned the claims made by the nuclear power industry and government were false, and he came to the conclusion that nuclear power is in no way safe, clean, or economical.


Rowen will present his reasons for calling the Pacific Gas and Electric Company a “Corporate Criminal” and why nuclear energy is the most dangerous and lethal technology ever devised by man. He will demonstrate why the operators of nuclear facilities cannot be trusted, and the regulators of them cannot be relied upon, to protect workers and the public from the ill effects of nuclear plant operation.


“I know of no one who ever set out to become a whistleblower, leastwise me,” says Rowen. “It’s just that I witnessed too many radiation safety violations and cover-ups by PG&E and the AEC to stand idly by while PG&E and the government did whatever was ‘considered necessary’ to promote and protect a failed and dangerous technology.”


It is clear that nuclear power is unaffordable in every way. A reliance upon nuclear power impedes our efforts to develop and implement the production of electricity by safe, affordable, sustainable means, such as solar, wind, and geothermal.


Since the government and the nuclear industry has refused to conduct a much needed independent study on the ill-effects of the radiation released by Humboldt Bay, Rowen has called for comprehensive follow-up longitudinal studies on the South Bay Elementary School student and staff populations during 1963-1976, on the downwind populations of the nuclear power plant, as well as on the employees who worked at the plant during the same period. This very important meeting may very well serve as the springboard for those studies.


There will be ample time for a Q&A session following Rowen’s presentation.